13 Questions to Ask Yourself, Health Care Provider Before Your Next Appointment

Choosing a health care provider is a big decision. We all want someone who will listen to and respect us. It’s important to know that your provider has an open mind and is willing to take your concerns seriously and without judgment. Word of mouth is a good way to find a practitioner but it’s important to take the initiative and do some due diligence of your own.

Let’s take a look at some of the questions you can ask to find the health care provider that is right for you.


Questions to ask yourself

1.     Am I open to nonpharmaceutical treatment options? Some people just aren’t comfortable with anything that isn’t traditional prescribed medication and that’s fine. But it could be that it’s just never come up.

2.     Am I willing to be honest about my lifestyle with my provider? A good provider will listen with no judgement.

3.     Am I comfortable being honest with this particular provider? If you’re hesitant, ask yourself why. Maybe ask for recommendations for providers who are open and nonjudgmental.

4.     What are my specific health concerns? Take an honest inventory before your appointment and lay it all out when you get there.

5.     Am I willing to be patient if a particular alternative treatment may take longer to take effect than a pharmaceutical option? Each patient reacts differently to treatments. Are you willing to weigh the time versus the possible benefits?

6.     Am I willing to trust my provider if a prescription medication is what they believe is best for my unique situation? Trust is key when it comes to your health.


Questions to ask your practitioner

1.     Are you open to nonpharmaceutical treatment options? This one could be done over the phone before you even schedule an appointment.

2.     How did you learn about holistic treatments and incorporating them with traditional medicine?

3.     Do you have experience using holistic treatments? It’s always good to ask for credentials.

4.     Are there nonpharmaceutical alternatives for my specific condition? It’s important to know that there are some conditions that have few or no alternatives to traditional medicine.

5.     Do you take my lifestyle and my physical and emotional health into consideration when making exploring treatment options? That’s what holistic means after all.

6.     Are you up to date on all the latest research into pharmaceutical options? Things change rapidly with some diseases and treatments.

7.     If given a prescription medication, will I be able to have it filled immediately? On site or delivery pharmacies are very convenient.

 It’s important that you and your provider work together to make the best decisions for your health care. Don’t be afraid to speak up and ask questions when it comes to your health. Providers are there to help you live your best life no matter the type of treatment.

Revan Health provides welcoming, respectful family medicine for all from infants to geriatrics. We understand the pain and frustration that comes with not feeling heard by your family care provider. We believe access to respectful care is key to improving medicine adherence and overall life satisfaction for our patients. Like us on Facebook or visit us at revanhealth.com.