8 Self-Care Resolutions You’ll Actually Want to Keep

Sometimes when we set our resolutions for the coming year, it seems like we’re setting ourselves up for failure. Many of us tend to stretch for such lofty aspirations that it’s almost over before it begins. The following are eight suggestions that are easy to incorporate into your daily life and are meant to help you balance physical and mental well-being.

1.     Take more naps. Even if you don’t sleep, taking just 15 or 20 minutes to close your eyes when you’re feeling tired or stressed can help recharge and refresh you so you can finish the day.

2.     Eat more fruits and veggies. We all know we should eat plenty of fruits and vegetables but even slightly increasing your intake of colorful, fiber-rich foods can help lower blood pressure, cholesterol and risk of heart disease and diabetes.

3.     Move more. No need to set an unrealistic goal of working out that won’t fit into your lifestyle or schedule. Just incorporate more movement into your day to benefit your heart and brain. Take the stairs. Park further from the door of the grocery store. Take an after-dinner stroll. A little goes a long way.

4.     Make time for yourself. When you care for yourself, you’re better able to take care of others. Try to find a few times a week to do something that’s just for you: take a bath, meditate, read a book, go for a solo walk, write in a journal, or anything else that makes you happy.

5.     Use your vacation time. If you’re lucky enough to get paid time off/vacation time from your job, by all means take it! Americans are notorious for not taking their allowed vacation time and that leads to stress and burnout. Your job will be there when you get back and you’ll feel better than ever.

6.     Consider talk therapy. There are numerous options for therapy these days. Talking with a trained, unbiased professional can help your mental well-being even when you’re not in crisis. Whether you choose online, on the phone or in person, there’s an option for you. Some employers offer assistance through an Employee Assistance Program (EAP) and some therapy sites and offices offer sliding scale payments.

7.     Schedule your yearly physicals, bloodwork, dentist appointments and eye exams. It’s easy to put these off when we’re busy but these visits are an important part of self-care. 

8.     Practice kindness. Find a charity to which you can devote either time or money or both. It’s not only good for your community, it’s great for your self-esteem and studies have shown it can even lower blood pressure.

Whether you pick one or several, don’t beat yourself up if you let some or all of them fall by the wayside as the year progresses. Pace yourself. See what works and what doesn’t. We’re all just doing the best we can and accepting and loving yourself is the best self-care of all. Happy New Year!

 About Revan Health

Revan Health provides welcoming, respectful family medicine for all from infants to geriatrics. We understand the pain and frustration that comes with not feeling heard by your family care provider. We believe access to respectful care is key to improving medicine adherence and overall life satisfaction for our patients. Like us on Facebook (link) or visit us at revanhealth.com.





