LGBTQ: Strength in Numbers

The number of adults who identify as LGBTQ+ is growing! According to a Gallup poll 1 in 5 Americans now self-identify as LGBTQ+.

The reasons for this shift aren’t crystal clear but with Gen Z and Millennials coming out/self-identifying as queer much more often than their older Gen X and Boomer counterparts, it seems that these younger generations don’t feel there is as much stigma associated with being queer as there was for prior generations. Around 21% of Gen Z adults (born between 1997 and 2003) identify with one or more identities of the LGBTQ+ spectrum. That’s almost twice as many as Millennials and nearly 10 times as many as Boomers.

Breaking down the numbers even further, 57% of those who identified as LGBTQ+ identified as bisexual, which is roughly 4% of American adults. 21% identify as gay, 14% as lesbian, 10% as transgender and 4% as something else, including pansexual, intersex, gender fluid and nonbinary. Several earlier studies also concluded that bisexual is the most common LGBTQ+ identity.

As more of Gen Z reaches adulthood, the number of adults who consider themselves LGBTQ+ continues to grow. These young adults are growing up and accepting their sexuality or gender identity at a time when Americans increasingly accept gays, lesbians and transgender people, and LGBTQ+ individuals have more legal protection against discrimination than in the past.

"The kids are growing up now ... in a very different environment," said Jeff Jones, the author of the Gallup poll. He added that LGBTQ+ young adults are "much more likely because of their environment to acknowledge that and to accept that compared to people in the past who were in a similar situation."

The number of Americans who identify as LGBTQ+ can be expected to continue to grow as younger generations begin to make up a larger share of the total population, and while we still have a long way to go, it’s encouraging to see the societal shift and the growing acceptance of being queer as part of the norm.

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